ATDW (Australian Tourism Data Warehouse) - Tourism Business Directory

Tourism Operators - Business Listings

ATDW (Australian Tourism Data Warehouse) is the official business directory system used by Tourism Australia, Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and Brisbane Economic Development Agency (BEDA).

Listing your event on this directory will get your event listed on:

ATDW - Registering and setting up an account

Registering and setting up on ATDW

  1. Go to
  2. Select ‘Join as an operator
  3. Select ‘Tourism Operator’ and click continue (Please enter the ABN without spaces)
  4. Follow the prompts and enter your details
  5. Accept the ‘Terms and Conditions
  6. Congratulations, you’re all set up with an account, now you need to create your business profile/directory listing!

How to setup your profile/directory listing on ATDW

  1. Log into your account on
  2. Select ‘Create your first profile
  3. Choose your profile category (review this guide if unsure of your product category)
  4. Complete all mandatory fields. Mandatory fields for most profile categories are:
    1. Profile Name
    2. Description
    3. Profile Type
    4. Location (Address and Geocode)
    5. Contacts (Phone, Email or Website)
    6. Accessibility
    7. Images. To best showcase your product and optimise your profile, please ensure all images are 1600 x1200 pixels and landscape orientation. Bright images taken outdoors showing your customers having a good time work best!

      The image will also ask for Alt Text, write a description of the image, this description WILL display on some websites.
  5. Click ‘Send For Review
  6. You’ll receive an email by the ATDW Quality Assurance once your profile passes, or if there are any changes that need to be made.
  7. Congratulations, your profile is published onto

You can log back into your ATDW Online account anytime if you need to make changes.


Not sure what to write? Check out other business listings on ATDW here.

ATDW Helpdesk

If you are having trouble setting up your profile, you can contact the ATDW Helpdesk.

Monday to Friday | During business hours

Ph. 1800 629 749

Email: [email protected]

If you'd like to discuss ATDW further with a member of the MBRIT Tourism Team, please reach out via tourism @


ATDW - Creating Deals
ATDW - How to create event listings
Keeping your ATDW profile fresh

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